19 January 2014

Time to break the cycle

I've been on holiday mode for weeks.  In my world,  holiday mode is eat a lot of crap, gain weight, get my groove back, lose the gain, rinse and repeat.

I restarted my activity challenge on my active link and I am going to change my focus away from sugar.  I've been eating A TON of sugar.  It's ridiculous, really.

I was thinking about doing Weight Watchers' Simple Start, so I think I will start that on Monday.  Not today, because today we are having a birthday party to celebrate my son turning six!  I want to relax and enjoy his party.  His birthday marks the end of the holiday season for me, so I am hopeful I can get my groove back.

I'm down right at 20 lbs from last year.  I need to get the scale back into a losing trend and myself back into the right mindset.

Simple goals for this week.  Track all my food, have at least 3 days without added sugar and end the week without dipping into my activity points.  Meet my Active Link challenge activity level every day.

I've been struggling with resentment.  WHY do I have such food issues, I resent having them.  I just want to be able to take or leave certain foods and that's just not me.  I don't do that. EVER.  That's why I am gearing up to do Simple Start.  It focuses mainly on real food, with small indulgences every day.  I do take some exception to what qualifies as an indulgence, but what are you going to do?

I need to start training for Fight For Air.  If you feel so inclined, please feel free to support my climb.  It's the toughest event I do, and it's for an important cause.  Any help you can give on my fundraising efforts would be greatly appreciated.

Starting today, I will begin doing the stairs in my house 30 times per day.  I'll add more next week and the week after.  I suspect this will go a long way towards hitting my activity goal.

So, in summary, I am not on track right now, but am going to get back on track RIGHT NOW.  Just by putting one foot in front of the other.

1 comment:

Aimee said...

I also resent having food issues. I know once I overcome them (and I will!) I will be a much stronger person. It's my cross to bear and for the first time in my 30 year struggle with weight I finally see a shimmer of light at the end of the tunnel. It's difficult and sometimes I take one step forward only to fall three steps back. But what makes this time different than all the rest is that I get right up and try something new.

Congratulatinons on your 20 pound loss last year! I think half the battle is admitting our struggles. You can get back to your healthy habits. Trust the process...we both know it works. Good luck!