25 March 2013

Friend Makin’ Mondays: Ten Questions

If you’ve taken part in FMM then you know the rules. If you’re new, please take a moment to answer this week’s question on your own blog then add your link in the comments section over at: www.alltheweigh.com so we can all see your FMM questions and answers. Please invite your blog readers to add their links here too so everyone has to opportunity to be seen. The idea is to connect with other awesome bloggers so take a moment to post your own FMM post and comment on a couple of other posts. Now it’s time for this week’s topic!
 Ten Questions
1. Describe the kind of home you would live in if money were no object. I want a home with 2 or three fire places, gourmet kitchen, master suite, a jack and jill bathroom between Deven's room  and guest room and preferably an indoor gym and fitness center.  And a big back yard, fully fenced in for the dog and my little guy to be able to run and play. Brick house, by the way.  And I'd need it to be on jogging and running friendly streets. I don't want much in this world.
2. Are you more conservative in your actions or more rebellious? I have a really rebellious mouth, but overall, my social anxiety doesn't allow me to to go over the top much.
3. Would you go to Mars even if it meant you could never return to Earth?  No.  My family is everything to me.  I can't imagine a life without them.
4. Name one song that makes you want to dance every time you hear it. Hahahaaha, nothing that makes me dance, but it is NOT possible for me not to sing along with Bon Jovi's Livin on a Prayer.
5. Share one thing that you wish you could go back and do differently in your life.  I don't regret my experiences in this life because all of them have shaped the person I've become.  That being said, I really could have done without the life experience of marrying my first husband.  He was a jerk.
6. Share at least one accomplishment that people wouldn't expect you to be proud of.  My fitness level has improved an amazing amount in the past 3 months.  I can't wait to see what the next three months bring.
7. Describe one delicious thing that you've eaten lately.   Ooooh, I am loving a nice salad with pumpkin seed oil.  Who needs salad dressing?
8. If you had a theme song that would play every time you entered a room, which song would you choose? Roof with a Hole by Meat Puppets.  I don't know why.  I love that song.  It doesn't define me, but it makes me feel happy for some reason.
9. Had technology enhanced your life, or has it over complicated your life? The internet brought me my husband. Which, by extension, brought me my son. So enhanced. 
10. If you could get paid to do any job, which job would you choose?  Knitter and coffee taster. WHICH ARE ACTUAL PROFESSIONS.

Now it's your turn to answer this week's questions!  Don't forget to come back and link up in the comments.  Happy Monday, friends!!!!

24 March 2013

Fight for Air and Progress report.

It's been a bit since I checked in here.  I've been doing great on plan.  I've been eating clean, working out dirty.  I took it down a notch over the past week because I had a major event on Saturday.  The American Lung Association Fight for Air.

I got up a little later than usual and fixed a huge breakfast.  (Hash browns, a slice of Ezekiel bread and an egg) and soaked in epsom salts.  I got my warrior gear on and Raj snapped a quick picture.
I thought the shot was cute enough to warrant sharing here.  It's not particularly often that I am pleased with a picture of me.  My hard work is really starting to show.  I've lost 20 lbs, but I LOOK like I have lost more like 30. 

My family and I finished getting our gear around and headed to Milwaukee for the big climb.  It was about a 90 minute drive over, so I had plenty of time to stoke the fires of my nervousness.  I saw it in the horizon as we approached downtown Milwaukee. At 12:25, I was to go to the top of this building.
 Approaching it, I swallowed hard.  47 flights is kind of an abstract idea until you are standing at the bottom of it.  My stomach, already fluttery with nerves consistent with doing an activity for the first time dropped.  I thought I was going to be sick.  This is what I saw as I approached the building. 
I was beyond nervous.  Thanks to GIS for theses pictures.  I was far to keyed up to think about grabbing pictures on my own. It was cold and I very cleverly didn't bring a heavier coat.  I wasn't sure that I was strong enough to climb these 47 flights of stairs. 1034 steps into the sky.

I mean, who does that?  Apparently LOTS of people.  When we got there, the place was PACKED and it was chaos.  It was a huge event.  There were probably 20 people to a wave and we were in wave 55.  We weren't the last wave.  Firemen were racing to the top in full gear in a separate stairwell.  I'm really impressed at the athleticism of those ladies and gentlemen.

We came in, got settled and I did some people watching while I worked on calming my nerves.  My team arrived and we grouped up.  Raj and Deven retreated to a cafe to chill and watch Avengers.  I wasn't going to be terribly long.  I had about 30 minutes until wave time and everyone told me that given the tough workouts our trainer puts on, I will be fine.  I've got my doubts. Sara and Kelly, ladies I met in January when we starting working out together, start helping me with a strategy- Sara offers to pace with me.  I don't want her to do that because I am afraid of holding her back. I want her to have her shot at PR. I've decided to go on my own. Kelly also offers.  I say that I am not sure what I will need because I've never done anything like that before. 

We go down and warm up.  We worry over our trainer who has been extremely ill with food poisoning.  I'm not convinced she should go.  She's stubborn. We put our timing chips on and head down to the very bottom of the building.

It was really cool. There were lines of people giving fives and cheering us on.   They have actual cheerleaders.  They document your number and send people up in about 5 second intervals.  I start climbing too fast.  Too soon, I am on the 5th floor and completely out of breath.  There's no flippin way I am going to make it. I take the first water stop.  I'm breathing hard.  I catch my breath a bit and start back up.  Kelly, who had stopped to use the restroom before climbing, catches up to me.  We fall into a comfortable (ish) pace together.   We stop when we need to, for just a few seconds, to catch our breath and climb again.  We mark off when we are a third of the way, more than half way, two thirds away.  Kelly tells me that the last few flights are short.  I'm looking forward to those.  Pretty soon, we can start to hear cheering at the top.  43 flights up.  We stop for the last time to catch our breath.  We decide that it's time and UP WE GO.  It's so hard but we definitely have this.  We are going to do it.  I have no idea how much time has passed, but it's almost over.  Then we are at the top and the cheering is for us.  A finisher's medal is draped around our necks. I don't know when I have ever been more proud of myself after an athletic endeavor. I don't want to share Kelly's picture here, because I didn't ask  her permission, but the next few shots are of me, tired but victorious.  Plus that gorgeous view, earned by a hard climb from sub- ground to the top.

I didn't take that medal off until I got home and ready for a shower.  I've never pushed myself quite so far out of my comfort zone.  Life is good.  A quick check in with the results table and I have my finish time.  18:33.  I climbed 1034 stairs in 18 minutes and 33 seconds.  So much faster than a 5K, yet somehow, so much HARDER.

And my trainer?  I am in AWE of her.  She was really struggling, very sick, but she persevered and made it  to the top.  I sincerely hope she's resting today because no one has ever earned a rest more than her.  I'm glad she's leading me to fitness because she's an amazing example.  I'm so proud to be a Mojo Warrior.

12 March 2013


Today is Tuesday, my workout day.  I work out most other days, too.  But on Tuesday we work extra hard because that's group training.

Today is a repeat of a earlier workout.  I am excited to see how many more times we get through Ms. Cindy (5 pull ups, 10 push ups, 15 weighted squats)  than we did before.

I think the scale is up.  I am trying really hard to be ok with this.  My trainer bumped up my calories and I've felt hungry ever since.

Also at tonight's workout, we have boxing.  My fav.  I will be sure to get some aggressions out.    I've been neglecting this blog.  I almost feel like I post over here when I am flailing around failing.  In any event, I am doing well, am happy to be working out and waiting for the weather to turn around.  I reallllly want to start running so I can register for a 10K.  I know I can.

11 March 2013

Friend Makin' Monday - Food Questions


If you’ve taken part in FMM then you know the rules. If you’re new, please take a moment to answer this week’s question on your own blog then add your link in the comments section over at: http://www.alltheweigh.com so we can all see your FMM questions and answers. Please invite your blog readers to add their links here too so everyone has to opportunity to be seen. The idea is to connect with other awesome bloggers so take a moment to post your own FMM post and comment on a couple of other posts. Now it’s time for this week’s topic!
Food Questions
1. What did you eat for dinner last night? Homemade tomato soup and grilled cheese
2. If you could make one food calorie-free for the next year, What would you choose? Hmmm.  I dunno.  Almonds.
3. How often do you go to the grocery store? We usually go once per week, but have to hit multiple different stores.
4. Do you make a list before buying groceries? I try to, but I don't really stick with it.
5. List three things that can always be found in your kitchen. Milk, Ezekiel bread and nut butters.
6. How often do you clean out your fridge? I spot clean frequently and take everything out and wash it down about quarterly..
7. Do you ever use a slow cooker? If so, will you share a recipe? Very rarely.
8. How often do you try new recipes? Lately, I've been making a new recipe every week or so.  This past weekend, I made 3 new recipes.
9. What is the most delicious meal(s) you make? The Fit Cook's Skinny Masitas de Puerco.  YUM.
10. Share at least one thing that is currently in your kitchen even though you don't like it. Ketchup.  I hate it.  My family loves it.

Now it's your turn to answer this week's questions!  Don't forget to come back and link up in the comments.  Happy Monday, friends!

06 March 2013

I'm doing so well

I haven't had a lot to say on this blog, mainly because I have been so busy living life.

I've been very consistent on my program.  On track nearly nonstop since January.  I'm down almost 17 lbs (sadly, this is most of my holiday gain, I still have some to go). 

Eating clean is working for me.  Like REALLY working.  I don't have tons of cravings.  I can give in to a very small craving, a taste is adequate and I move on. 

Going back to meat seems to be the right choice for me.  I've been very steady, eating clean, exercising plenty, loving my program.