21 January 2009

OMG One year

Dear Deven,
On Sunday, you turned one year old. The week leading up to your birthday was a tough one. You ran fevers, I was sick, it felt like I was swallowing glass every time I tried to swallow anything at all, you started to get that special teething brand of crabby.

On Wednesday, I finally gave up and went to the Dr. Diagnosis was strep throat. Then Friday, I had you at the doctors office after your fever spiked to a fear inducing 103. They tell me, "Oh, his ears look good, his throat doesn't look inflammed, probably just one of those bugs."

Your fever breaks on Saturday- so Sunday we took you to Ella's Deli to celebrate your birthday. We all have a great day together. We get home. You feel too warm. Fever is back. On Monday, Daddy took you back to the doctor. Ear infection.

Now Daddy has strep throat, too. Our house has the plague.

Other than this one crappy week, the past month has been absolutely wonderful. You are such a great kid. You laugh, you run around smiling at people, snuggle, make up your own jokes and games.

You really like to play the drum, play with balls and hug stuffed animals. Your favorite time of day is story time.

We could not be more blessed. We love you so much.

Thanks for being such a great kid.